Priority Session Neck and Traps
Goal is to restore mobility and tissue quality in neck and traps.
I currently have a weak/tight neck and feel tight through the traps when arm extended overhead
Performed 5days/wk to Daily
A1) Upper/mid/lower traps SMR 5-15min
A2) Scapular Routine (~7'30)
A3) Posterior neck SMR 5-15min
A4) Neck End-range-rotations. 6-10x ea. [10-15s/rep] (~4'00)
A5) Circles of the neck and shoulders routine (~5'00)
Total time ~ 26-46min
{@ = each side/direction}
S1: Scap pushup 50r
S2: Scap rotations forward/backward 25r@
S3: Scap opposites 10r@
S4: Ang/hap cat 10r
S5: Rib cage circles 10r@
S6: Rib cage circles w/scap opposites 15r@
* Once range is achieved:
- stop doing scap pushup, rotations
- do scap opposites 10r@
- do cats, rib cage circles, and rib cage circles with rotations 15r@
** Once range & movement patterning achieved:
- do routine standing
1) Pre toe touch acc. 5’00
2) Post toe touch - pre neck roll reps 3-4sets [4-6r@]
3) Neck roll reps (greasing the groove) 1-3sets [6-10r@]
* Once mastered neck roll reps remove from priority routine and progress to shoulder anchors as apart of a dedicated 'ground work' session'
1a) Is daily SMR of the traps and neck too much
1b) Would you add a hanging exercise(s) or anything else
2) Would you take anything away?
3) Any other comments on it? better ways to progress movements? (When to remove exercises and focus on something else etc)