Good people!
Here is just a quick update that the next category of practice to be given its substance will be 'Spinal-work'. The resources are being finalised and I anticipate its upload before the end of the year. Why was this vital area of practice not already present? Quite simply, I was not satisfied with the quality of the resources and so have re-recorded many of the fundamental, as well as an entirely new, extensive project of practice.
This is a broad term which allows us to bring under its umbrella a range of contexts of practice which both develop & express the mobility of the spine.
From a perspective of "physical-preparedness" it can also come under the umbrella of 'Small-frame mobility', also connected with aspects of prehabilitation, rehabilitation.
From the perspective of 'Movement Practice', it teaches fundamental, "local" (specific to spinal-regions), "global" (expressing the full spine) and integrated (bringing concepts together) patterns, potentially leading to free-form "impro". In the process, it establishes both a practical & conceptual VOCABULARY for reference, supporting the ongoing practice & its sharing with/teaching to others.
From a "wellness" perspective, habitual spinal-work promotes the circulation of vital fluids (cerebrospinal, plasma, lymph...), digestive-motility, improvement & prevention of "superficial" back-pain & more.
- 10+ practice resources and 2+ 'In Focus' resources giving in-depth insights.
- Fundamental 'local' & 'global' patterns + integrated contexts.
- 'Wall-communication' projects
- Spinal-work through space
- Full programming recommendations
- And much more!
Don't hesitate to follow up with any further questions my friends. Looking forward to getting this vital category of practice finally up on the VRL & to share the nourishment with you!
Move well,