Cossack & knee-collapse
1m 35s
Whilst primarily a progressive mobility-development drill which connects a ‘knee-collapse’ with the fundamental ‘Cossack squat’, the integrated pattern ultimately functions as a convenient floor-entrance & exit (FEN/FEX) tool, allowing for bipedal floor-contact in passing through the level of low-gait. It’s practice, then, begins to bridge the gap between a mobility-development tool & floor-entrance/exit pattern – perspective here, then, is always relative to the capacities of the practitioner and their individual reasons/intentions for practice.
As a mobility development tool, further to ongoing practice of the ‘Cossack’ pattern, which combines leg abduction with external rotation of the femur/leg (this gives greater access to the hip in order to load it), it then proceeds to transition into INTERNAL hip-rotation in connecting with the “collapse”; this combination of movements is what allows for a controlled entrance of the backside into the floor.
0:04 - Cossack & knee collapse (unilateral)
0:44 - Cossack & knee collapse (alternating)
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