Rib-cage & pelvic "rolling" (concept & patterning)
'Local' spine & scapulae patterns
3m 27s
Rib-cage & pelvic-"rolling" is a conceptual practice of drawing circular patterns through planes of motion (sagittal & frontal/coronal) in space. It is impossible to truly "isolate" any movement, but we work with this as a CONCEPT to focus & structure practice around a given spinal-region. It also develops an EMBODIED vocabulary on which to build progressive, 'global' patterns, with QUALITY. You can review 'planes of motion' here: https://www.movemoremp.com/wp-content/uploads/basic-planes-of-motion.png
Whilst our focus is developing neuro-muscular connection to the spine, the process of practice is innately therapeutic for "superficial" spinal/back-related stiffness, aches & pains, and produces a subtle massage-effect to the visceral organs. To these ends, it is recommended to practice ALL variations 4-7x per week. A simple "prescription" is 50x repetitions each direction which, at a controlled tempo, takes around 3 minutes for each pattern. You can also change direction every 5-10x to practice the transition, or also work for time, instead of counting, if this facilitates focus on the movement-patterns.
Practice can also be accumulated more informally throughout the day, e.g. in 2-3 minute "movement-snacks" during long periods of sitting. As motor-control develops, so will sensual awareness of your spine. You will better feel what you need & when, and can being to tailor practice more toward your individual spinal-circumstances.
Imagine your rib-cage & pelvis as a gyroscope housing a gimbal. One frame of the gimbal is a circle fixed in the FRONTAL plane (i.e. a VERTICAL circle) and cuts the body front-to-back. The other frame of the gimbal is a circle fixed in the SAGITTAL plane (again VERTICALLY) and cuts the body left-to-right.
"Draw" the sagittal & frontal circles of the pelvis & rib-cage. In the beginning, your "circles" will feel more like polygons, with many edges. Begin with a "sketch" and work to improve both range & clarity. Imagine "carving out" the circle, digging deeper & deeper. It can initially cause fatigue and, in some cases, a dull feeling of sickness (notably when working the rib-cage/thoracic circles).
WORK 'RHYTHMICALLY': no one part of the circle should move more/less faster/slower than another part (we commonly work deeper & slower through more available ranges and more superficially/quicker through those less so). For example, if you are habitually lordotic (lower-back arch), great focus should be placed on "pulling the tail under"/FLEXING the lower-back (i.e. the 'back part' of the sagittal-plane circle). The same goes for restrictions in the thoracic-spine/upper-back. Notice what is more/less available & focus accordingly.
ISOLATE: A "roll" is NOT a "wave". A wave transmits sequentially through the ENTIRE spine. 'Rolling', however, is an ISOLATED concept focused on specific spinal-regions. As there is no cervical-spine focus (i.e. neck), keep the head as STILL as possible during practice. Likewise, when working the rib-cage rolling the pelvis is "fixed", and vice-versa. The shoulders are RELAXED and the arms simply HANG at the sides. They may move as an EFFECT, but not with any deliberate initiation. Notice & release any tension building in these areas during practice.
The process of practice here is on the inseparable neuro-muscular layer. "Blockages" can be the result of high resting muscle-tone/"hypertonicity" from training habits (e.g. "deadlift-back"), and, at the other end of the spectrum, low resting-tone, such as in the thoracic/scapular-region of the kyphotic office-worker. In such cases, the patterns presented may be near non-existent.
This can be very frustrating, as very little movement will be expressed, and is the reason for high-repetitions - to "build" motor-patterns & "reset" the resting tone. There is shortcut here, so practice patience. For some, the patterns may be immediately clear. For others, it can take many months or, longer. If you are the latter, find comfort in that the process of their development will be truly life-changing.
Resource contents:
0:05 - Sagittal rib-cage roll (forward)
0:36 - Sagittal rib-cage roll (backward)
Webinar notes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpmpKEYEkQ8&t=1352s
1:00 - Frontal rib-cage rolling (left)
1:28 - Frontal rib-cage rolling (right)
1:48 - Sagittal pelvic roll (forward)
2:18 - Sagittal pelvic roll (backward)
Webinar notes here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpmpKEYEkQ8&t=1842s
2:39 - Frontal pelvic roll (right)
3:02 - Frontal pelvic roll (left)
More on 'hip-hiking' & 'hip-dropping' : https://youtu.be/2S8w-T_hcU8
For programming, guidance, & further support:
FREE fundamental prehabilitation program: https://www.movemoremp.com/
Online Support (1 to 1 coaching): https://movemoremp.com/onlinesupport/
Elements (standardised programs): https://www.movemoremp.com/elements
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