IN FOCUS: Handstand alignment, thoracic-up (or... down)
Handstand alignment drills
'In Focus' is a series of supporting resources in which we dig deeper into either specific movement contexts, bodies of patterns, or subject areas which can benefit from deeper evaluation & discussion for the ongoing practice. It is advisable to keep a pen & paper at hand so that you can make notes according to what is most relevant for you.
Here, taking an 'In focus' look at the theory & practice behind optimal handstand alignment, paying specific attention to the thoracic-spine, up (or... down, depending on your perspective...). Particularly, we discuss how, depending on your current mobility capacities, we will have to "negotiate" certain aspects of the "straight-line" so that the foundation of optimal ALIGNMENT can be maintained.
Resource contents:
0:05 - Focus: from the pelvis, up (intro)
0:27 - On 'open' and 'closed'-shoulders
1:24 - Working around these restrictions
3:19 - On elbow-lockout
4:45 - Arms vertically-stacked & parallel
6:52 - Hand-contact & weight-distribution
8:36 - Neck, head, & where to look
10:15 - Negotiating the 'head-in' position
11:55 - Looking through the eyebrows
12:29 - Closing review
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Up Next in Handstand alignment drills
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This fundamental resource details how to set up the hands (i.e. distance & positioning) for the 2-arm handstand (all contexts, from wall-support to supported-balance & balance), as well as basic insights into how the hands are used to re-/correct in balance-development contexts.______...
Handstand floor-line
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