BAS push (horizontal & lateral)

BAS push (horizontal & lateral)

This collection of resources initially sets out to teach the practitioner transferable forms, mechanics, and execution for efficient bent-arm strength (BAS) pushing in the horizontal & lateral planes, establishing in the process a strong baseline of foundational strength-capacity. From here the pathways continue with one eye on linear, progressive strength-development, and another on “complexification”.

The latter is expressed through widening application of these patterns to different context (e.g. “close-floor” locomotion and unilateral pushing) and in working with different modalities (e.g. ‘P-bars’ and gymnastics rings). Regardless of the progressive variation, modality or complexity, however, the main takeaway is that they are all based around the SAME fundamental mechanics for horizontal/lateral pushing, hence their proposal as being highly “transferable”.

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BAS push (horizontal & lateral)
  • 'Tempo-pushup' progressions

    A fundamental bodyweight, horizontal-push context known by everyone, practiced by many, and yet mechanically-understood by very few. In this program we forgo ANY practice of a floor-variation, performed on the knees - rather, we opt for using an ELEVATED-SURFACE as a regression in...

  • The 'Protracted pushup'

    A fundamental strength context developing strength & integrity of the fundamental scapular-protracted/"hollow-body" structure, in combination with horizontal, bent-arm pushing.

    This is ultimately the same structure & execution used in progressive bent-arm strength (BAS) forms, wh...

  • QDR isometric hold

    The 'QDR' ('queda de rins'/"elbow on the kidneys") is an upper-body support predominantly used in the practice of Capoeira for catching a fall/evasive manoeuvre, and transitioning through a range of dynamic forms.

    Whilst it is essentially a very efficient support in that the bod...

  • The QDR rotational pushup

    *7 progressions for QDR rotational pushups (numbered incorrectly from 4) as preparation toward 'QDR circles'.

    The 'QDR' ('queda de rins'/"elbow to the kidneys") is an upper-body support predominantly used in the practice of Capoeira for catching a fall/evasive manoeuvre, transiti...

  • Unilateral / 1-arm pushing tools 1 (rings)

    Contexts for developing unilateral pushing mechanics, patterning, and capacity using the more unstable modality of the gymnastics rings. These exercises are all characterised as ANTI-rotational (AR) patterns, requiring a sustained effort to keep the shoulders & hips in horizontal alignm...

  • Unilateral / 1-arm pushing tools 1 (floor)

    Contexts for developing an understanding of floor-based unilateral pushing in the horizontal plane. Focus is on differentiation between ROTATIONAL (RO) and ANTI-ROTATIONAL (AR) intention. Whilst the former, 'RO', is more efficient (it allows for & works with the body's natural tendency ...

  • Tuck-planche pushups (TPPU)

    An integrated SAS ('Tuck-planche') and BAS ('Protracted pushup'/PPU) strength development & maintenance context which requires strong foundational development in those individual forms for successful & productive practice. Whilst demonstrated on steps, it is also possible to practice on...

  • Rings bent-arm planche (BAP)

    A bent-arm strength form whose isolated practice (either holding isometrically, or transitioning through it slowly) develops strength of the biceps and anterior-shoulder, with particular emphasis on tendon integrity. As the arms are loaded under bodyweight in a HORIZONTAL position (simi...

  • 'Negativa pushups' (lateral pressing mechanic)

    The 'Negativa' pushup explores a fundamental pressing pattern which has its roots in the art of Capoeira. It has been abstracted here for the value it has in teaching LATERAL bent-arm pushing mechanics. This essentially means that the press is performed sideways in the FRONTAL/CORONAL P...

  • Fundamental 'Lizard-crawl' progressions

    The 'lizard crawl' is a quadrupedal locomotion pattern which develops understanding of movement through space as close to the floor as possible, WITHOUT touching the body. Before entering these lower regions, however (i.e the 'Low-lizard'), coordination, structural-awareness, stre...

  • Lizard-crawl step-under

    A variation on the fundamental 'lizard-crawl' to widen the vocabulary & possibilities of close-floor, bent-arm strength (BAS) quadrupedal locomotion. Whilst the 'step-under' expresses greater transverse rotation of the body, most notably it serves to keep the HIPS as CLOSE to the floor ...

  • 'Archer' pushups

    A dynamic, bodyweight pushing context incorporating alternating bent & straight-arm strength (BAS/SAS). Whilst it develops experience in deep elbow-flexion and horizontal straight-arm loading, it can also reveal weak links in elbow-integrity.

    Therefore, if any painful sensations,...

  • Close-floor locomotion exploration / "BAS push"

    A most fundamental context for quadrupedal locomotion practice: moving through space whilst staying as close to the floor as possible. Whilst in this effort the exploration is predominantly bent-arm oriented (hence its perspective as a practice of 'BAS pushing'), this is not stric...

  • 'Iron-cross' pushups

    A linearly-developmental, horizontal pushing frame in the sagittal plane for strength & stability development. It allows the practitioner to explore & develop the more "open" ranges (i.e. elbow-angle) of bent-arm strength and integrating with straight-arm strength (in entering the top, ...

  • Isolated ring-curls & extensions

    "Isolated" contexts, in that they move around a single hinge-joint (the elbow) with a bent-arm push or pull motion. Their practice is namely toward conditioning of the elbow-tendons (i.e. attachments of the biceps and triceps), meaning that it can also be used as part of a focused progr...

  • Elbow-range rotations (CKC)

    A simple exploratory, self-diagnosis & developmental tool for conditioning the elbows & wrists through the full ranges of elbow flexion & extension and in all angles, facilitated by internal & external rotations. As the hands are fixed in space and the body moves, it is fundamentally a ...

  • P-bars conditioning dropset (BAS/SAS push)

    An advanced conditioning context which initially requires a strong baseline capacity with the isolated forms for it to be a worthwhile context of practice.

    As the first and most difficult strength form - the 'Deficit tuck-planche pushup' - is a HORIZONTAL-pushing context of prac...